I was once asked if I would keep designing buildings. Well, yes I think I just might. I do so love a good building.

We spent much of our early married life in a wonderfully charming apartment building, in fact it was an old nunnery that was converted into hodgepodge apartments.

We had most of the first floor and our little suite still held some of the glorious charms leftover from that old mission residence, 12 foot ceilings, oversized rooms with oversized windows, every entry and closet door was a beautiful solid 6 panel with ornate oval keyhole knobs all molded in thick hardwood.

To all this beauty did come some downsides, a tiny shoe horned in kitchen, one in which 2 people could barely slide by each other in passing, an even smaller bath, which was tolerable only because it had a storybook like little door in the wall that led to storage under the stairs, shared walls (we only shared about 8 feet of the kitchen wall with the studio apt that was also on the first floor, but worse we shared our kitchen wall and they shared their bathroom wall,  yep, thankfully all we ever heard was gurgles from the water pipes.

I could go into horror stories of curmudgeonly neighbors, 2nd floor waterbeds and hallway funk, but I wont. Instead I am choosing to remember the wonderful of that place, the place where our family began.

Sunny days chasing the clouds away, find my way to where the air is sweet. You can find my WESTSIDE APARTMENT pdf pattern available for purchase on Ravelry.

APT FOR RENT: Charming, built to suit, close to downtown, parking included. Best of all minimal deposit required! First & last months rent..nah, just provide the utilities & maintenance and all this can be yours !

A homage to home sweet home, be it on the north, south, east or westside.


  1. I just discovered your blog and I a wonderful evening going through it.
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    Warm greetings from Ireland.

