End of May

I joined a little crochet preview for the now available Moonwalk Shawl, you can find it on etsy & ravelry.

A coloring sheet is included with the pattern and I’ve been playing around, here’s what I’ve got going so far..

29 rows of me not being entirely sold on the colors. Those fleshy pink squiggles have worm energy. 🪱 Restart.

32 rows of jail stripes. Restart.

44 rows of white sparkle, which I told myself I would dye when done. Restart.

I guess my new favorite thing is just restarting the same old thing 31 times. All the tries, but this is the most me color so far.

Am I’m feeling the indecisive pinch of my ‘make it work with stash’ life or do I just have a tiny bit of a tummy ache from eating too many sour pickles? Yes.

Oh hi grandma. ♡

End of May obscured.
